There’s quite a variety of people that may stumble on this page. Whomever you are, welcome.
I’m Hunter Smith, creator of Moonglow. This is my creative hub. I professionally consult for business in the world of marketing. I’m a creative with a geeky upbringing. Pushing two decades of tinkering on computers, & over one decade of photography. I have a unique skillset that has allowed me to be very effective in the marketing world.
My passion is art. I love landscape photography with my entire soul. Getting outside and experiencing the glory of nature, then bringing some home for later. My father named me Hunter. I doubt he foresaw me harnessing the name quite in the way that I do. I hunt and shoot, just as he did. Only utilizing a different tool. My DSLR rarely leaves my side.
I was always hesitant on the field of “Professional Photographer”. Never was it something that I put energy in pursuing. Following my love for creativity led me down the road of marketing. Starting back in around 2015 with my high school gig at the local ski shop. ( which I still consult to this day ) Back tracking a bit. Post high school, I first went to web development school. It was fun. Still getting to utilize some creativity. I realized, I don’t enjoy full-time behind the desk. ( Although my desk time is still significant ) After this my road put me in a gig doing professional inventory. My brain is naturally very analytic. In fact, in my younger days the claims were “I’m not creative, I’m logical”.
My teens brought major development to the right side of my brain. Anyway, professional inventory… Responsible for 150,000 SKU’s, I loved the challenge. Bringing order to chaos was incredible fun. Poor leadership drove me away from the role. Given that the company was massive, there was many places I could move. I chose the marketing department. My connection with the manager was strong, and, given my photo background, I was confident in my ability to learn whatever skillset they needed. This pushed me to develop my graphic design skillset in a record time. Within 3 months I was responsible for the graphics of a 7 figure marketing investment. ( Jersey graphics for Fly Racing’s professional & amateur athletes. ) Thankfully, I had a team able to help me keep the “train on the tracks” and provide a highly valuable vision. Without this group, I could not manage to pump out the amount of quality content required. The best creativity comes out of a synchronized group.
The company was absorbed by private equity, & my manager left. This group failed to see the value in my unofficial new role. When I asked for a raise my request was denied. So, sadly I left.
Having just enough 1099 work to keep me afloat after quitting. It quickly sprouted into a full time gig. I started an LLC & haven’t looked back. Having only two clients helps keep things controllable, yet still keeps the bills paid.
Moonglow is a sprout of this operation. “The creative wing” so to speak. I am in the middle of pushing down the content & media elements of my work to this brand. ( Feb 2024 ) My vision for Moonglow is wide. Harnessing my personal creative passions for a purpose. Whether it’s simply delivering art to someones home, or multi faceted media for a company. I foresee myself transitioning farther away from the technical aspects of marketing in the future. ( product data, website management etc… ) Intentionally, I kept my name out of it. My goal is to bring on other people with a similar orientation. Hopefully this brand will be a home for people’s creations & a medium for harnessing their skills in the commercial world. We all have to keep food on the table. Hah.
(02/04/24 – 11:01 P.M.) It’s late & I’m losing steam. I may return to this article in the future. Pardon any mistakes, or strange phrasing above. ( Not going to double check it ) 🙂